FirstChinea Dental, LLCGroup, LLC.
Fitzharlen hobbsson
5/20/2012 9:43 PM
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I will not hire any contractors or employees.
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Q:What is the one benefit that makes LLCs so popular?.
A:The corporate protection and flexibility as a partnership?. LLC
Q:Are there compliance obligations for LLCs?.
A:You may have to file a statement of officers each year for an LLC?.
Q:How is LLC income distributed as against that of an S corporation?.
A:LLC income can be distributed in any way the members decide regardless of the percentage of LLC ownership of each member. This as against that of an S corporation which is different because divident distributions are allowed only to the extent of the number of shares.
| Q:Will my LLC need business insurance?.
A:It is always good to carry it but in most cases not required.
Q:What is a C corporation?
A:All corporation at formation are C corporations unless they elect to be S corporations. An LLC can be a C corporation and taxed as one if it decides so. LLC
Q:Are there any tax savings in forming an LLC in Delaware?
A:Delaware saves you taxes because there is no sales tax and you don't have to get a business license if your business is located in another state. Nor is there any LLC income tax as in Nevada.
| Q:Becoming an llc or a corporation is probably the cheapest insurance and a good way to save on taxes using several available strategies to reduce your tax liabiltiy but can one person be an LLC?.
A:Yes you can form an LLC even if you are one person with little or no capital reserves..
| Q:How do I manage my LLC?.
A:One or more persons can manage the LLC. It can either be manage by one member manager or by all member managers. LLC | Q:Do I have to have a registered agent?
A:Do I have to have a registered agent?
Q:I am a one member LLC do I need to pay self employement tax? LLC
A:Yes one member LLC do need to pay self employement tax.
Q:How many people do I need to form an LLC?
A: Even just one person can form an LLC.
Q:Do I need to hire an attorney to help me file an LLC? LLC
A: All states let you file an LLC without the help of a lawyer. You may want to consult with one on the other hand that may help you draft the llc agreement and advise you in your particular tax situation..
Q:How will I have to pay for taxes for my LLC?
A: With an LLC, you can elect to be taxes as a sole owner or be taxed as a corporation.
What are the differences between a limited liability company and a partnership?
A:The important difference between an LLC and a general partnership is that the LLC affords protection as a corporation does so you are not personally liable for business debts as is the case with a partnership.
Q:What exactly is an LLC agreement?
A:An LLC agreement is just a document that specifies the rights and duties of the owner or owners and the stake they hold in the LLC..
Q:Do I need to sign the LLC certificate of the articles of organization before you submit it to the secretary of state?Seller's Permit
A:No, you don't need to sign the articles before we submit it for filing.
Q:What state is the best state to set up an LLC?
A:Unless you make more than 100
Q:Why is an LLC better than a sole owner or partnership or even a corporation? Business License
A:Mainly because you can file the llc taxes under your name and that way you can offset losses against llc profits. That is called pass-through taxation.
Q:What if I want my LLC to be taxed as a C corporation?
A:In some cases you may want to be taxed as a corporation and it may result in savings because corporate taxation is lower than individual taxation.
Q:In what states may I set up a series LLC?.
A:Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah allow for series LLCs.
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